Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Use of Google Voice Search to Increase Student’s English Skills

In this digital era, most people are familiar with Google. Google is a search engine which can be applied to find a variety of information such as websites, pictures, maps or even a difficult question that people want to know. In asking a question, it's easy for us to just simply speak to one of the services that Google provides, it is Google Voice Search. Google Voice Search allows users to use Google Search by speaking on mobile phone or computer. The simplicity that Google Voice Search offers make the life of people becomes easier, including of English learning activity. The Teacher can use a game called ABC Ok Google as a medium to help students increase their English Skills. In this essay, there are some usages that Google Voice Search gives to students, they are triggering their willingness to speak, improving their listening skills and enhancing their reading skills.

First, it can trigger students’ willingness to speak. In order to trigger them, we use ABC Ok Google. Before playing this game, the teacher has to prepare the mobile phone with a good internet connection, so that the game will not meet its obstacles. In this game, the students will show their fingers to start the game. The total of fingers they show will represent the alphabet. For example, when the total fingers are ten they have to think of the object that is begun with the letter ‘J'. Every player has three chances to speak. If the player can answer it Then, Google Voice Search will recognize the word and show the object that has been described. 

Second, it can improve students' listening skill. In the second game, the teacher will divide students into pairs. In conducting this game, the teacher has to prepare pieces of paper. Each paper consists of a name of an object. It can be a name of public figures, animals, things the students bring to school and so on. The first step is to decide which pair should play first. After that, students have to decide which one of them will be the first person who picks the paper and describe it, and which one the second person who will be the listener. The first person will describe the name in the paper meanwhile, the second person will listen carefully. After getting the word, the second person has to pronounce the word on Google Voice Search. If it can recognize the word, then they will get the point.  

The last, it can enhance students’ reading skills. Reading is one of the activities that students rarely do. Some of them only read for pleasure. It is hard to find a student who read to get the information because they feel bored when they do it. Using Google Voice Search game as a medium can make the reading activity to be fun. Before starting the game, the teacher will prepare report text or narrative text from the student's textbook. Students are given time to read and once they finish, the teacher will raise a question according to the text. Then the student who knows the answer can use Google Voice Search to answer it within a full sentence. If the result that Google Search gives is same as the answer, then we have found the winner. 

In short, Google Voice Search can be a medium in English learning that has at least three benefits on students’ English skills. Those benefits are triggering students’ willingness to speak, improving students’ listening skills and enhancing students’ reading skills. 
Do you want to know more about the media? You can kindly check the video on my youtube channel. 

Friday, May 25, 2018

Welcoming My Birthday in 1, 2, 3

In the world full of beautiful girl, I want to be the one who makes a good joke.

This year, I turn 21. Everything doesn't feel like when I was 15. It's kind of weird knowing that I'm not a teenager anymore.

I feel sad.

I don't want to be pretty, I just want to be funny. (sounds desperate)

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Kalo kata pertama yang aku ucapkan ‘halo’ pantes ga ya? It has been 3 years gue ga ngepost apapun di blog. Oke mari kita coba.


Eh canggung ya. Aku errrr gue… eh gimana ya? Aku, saya atau gue? Oke, gue aja biar kesannya akrab. Gue akan membuat FAQ biar terkesan femes. FAQ yang gue bikin dan gue jawab sendiri /hm/

1.      Kenapa Putri ngga pernah ngepost blog lagi?

Kadang bingung sendiri kenapa gue yang selalu ngepost blog dengan rajin jadi ga pernah ngepost lagi. KENAPA PUT? Baiklah akan gue jelaskan *kibas rambut*.  Jadi. . . seinget gue terakhir ngepost blog itu tahun 2013, tahun dimana pertama kali gue punya pacar dan hari ini, 2016, tahun dimana gue ngepost lagi karena gue udh ga punya pacar. Dengan kata lain, gue meninggalkan blog ini karena punya pacar, setelah putus gue langsung balik lagi ke blog. Kalo blog adalah manusia dia pasti sudah mencekik gue, menjambak rambut gue, menonjok, menusuk gue dengan pisau dapur lalu memotong jari gue (OKE INI KENAPA JADI THRILLER). Jangan ya blog….maafin.

2.       Apa yang akan dilakukan ke depannya dengan blog ini?

Rencananya sih gue akan menghidupkan kembali blog ini dengan mengganti tema, tulisan (sumpah bikin sakit mata), header dan gadgetnya. Gue akan mengubah image Silly Putri jadi Mature Putri, apakah bisa? Sepertinya bisa, saat bikin blog ini gue masih SMP dan sekarang gue sudah kuliah semester 3. Sudah tidak kyut lagi. Kayanya it takes time ya buat mengubah total isi blog ini, tapi gue akan berusaha, kalo gue ada waktu, gue ga ada waktu, oke kapan-kapan. (Putri the Procrastinator)

3.       Konten blog ini nanti apa aja ya, Put?

Plis ya gue bukan beauty blogger, ga mungkin kalo tiba-tiba blog ini berisi Putri yang berpose syantique dengan hijab gaul dan mascara badai. TIDAK MUNGKIN. Seperti biasa, gue akan menceritakan kisah hidup gue yang sedikit garing dan tidak berfaedah dengan campuran jokes receh dan quotes nyomot di google.

4.       Bakal ngelanjutin nulis FF lagi ngga, Put?

Gimana ya. Mau sih tapi sumpah susah banget, gue lagi ga mau aja nulis. Tapi akhir-akhir ini gue suka sih nulis draft (yang ofc ga pernah gue bikin cerita) eheee. Gimana ya kehidupan semester 3 itu sibuk banget, gue aja bingung kenapa gue sempet ngeblog sekarang padahal gue harus menyiapkan materi buat micro teaching, ngereview 2 novel (yang belum gue baca) dan nyiapin presentasi tentang language change. Hm. Ga ada ya waktu buat nulis lagi? Tapi gue akan berusaha walaupun gue tau kemampuan menulis gue buruk sekali. Oh ya gue juga lagi suka banget sama quotes Bapak Stephen King penulis novel yang terkenal sekali (tapi gue ga pernah baca sih hehehe) :

“A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real equipment is the ability to remember every scar.” – Stephen King

So guys, gue seneng banget bisa kembali lagi disini kyaaaa semoga gue bisa menepati janji-janji gue diatas, karena janji itu dibuat bukan sekadar untuk diucapkan, ya ngga?

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Ceritanya begini

Kebahagian dan penderitaan adalah hadiah yang Tuhan berikan untuk setiap manusia. Bagi lelaki itu, kebahagian dan penderitaan sama saja. Bedanya hanya di bagaimana kita mengolah kebahagian dan penderitaan yang Tuhan berikan.

Kebahagian bisa saja menjadi penderitaan

dan sebaliknya…

Penderitaan bisa menjadi kebahagian, karena.....penderitaan lelaki itu berubah menjadi kebahagian ketika ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis yang menjadi salah satu alasan bagaimana ia bertahan hidup.


“Definisi ‘mati’ menurut kamu apa?”

“Mati itu….seseorang yang ga bersyukur sama apa yang Tuhan kasih, menurut aku itu yang dikatakan mati.”


“Aku pernah ngalamin itu”
Namsan Seoul Tower

“Kenapa Tuhan ngasih penyakit ini ke aku? Aku ngerasa Dia ngga adil.”

“Kenapa kamu bilang gitu? Itu namanya berburuk sangka sama Tuhan.”

“Maaf aku kacau.”

Nami Island

“Kepala sakit banget.”

“Tahan ya.”

“Tuhan pasti males ngasih aku sembuh, aku ngeluh terus sih.”

“Jangan begitu, pasti Tuhan punya rencana lain. Minta maaf sana.”

Cliffs Of Moher

“Aku seneng masih ada kamu yang nyemangatin aku buat ngelawan penyakit ini. Makasih ya.”

“Kenapa aku?”

"Cuma kamu yang bisa bikin aku ngerasa hidup lagi."

Locks of Love

Seorang gadis berkata pada lelaki itu, "Dengar ya, aku tidak akan meninggalkanmu, seburuk apapun keadaanmu. Tapi......bagaimana jika aku tiba-tiba diam dan menjauhimu? Aku mungkin butuh waktu.

Daaan berjanjilah padaku, kau akan sembuh dan menemaniku ke tempat-tempat indah itu.

Aku menunggumu."

나는 당신을 사랑합니다.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Complete - FF

Title : Complete

Author : Lee Miiko a.k.a @putriauliag 

Genre : Life 

Rating : PG-15

Main Cast : Semua bias Putri :3 Kai, Sulli, Taemin~

Support Cast : Siwon, Luhan, Chanyeol, Sehun dan Baekhyun XD 

Tanpa Sulli sadari sudut bibirnya perlahan terangkat. Ia telah menemukan Kai nya yang lain.